The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.13 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Cryptography API reference

Detailed documentation on the cryptography API

Dapr provides cross-platform and cross-language support for encryption and decryption support via the cryptography building block. Besides the language specific SDKs, a developer can invoke these capabilities using the HTTP API endpoints below.

The HTTP APIs are intended for development and testing only. For production scenarios, the use of the SDKs is strongly recommended as they implement the gRPC APIs providing higher performance and capability than the HTTP APIs.

Encrypt Payload

This endpoint lets you encrypt a value provided as a byte array using a specified key and crypto component.

HTTP Request

PUT http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0/crypto/<crypto-store-name>/encrypt

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
daprPort The Dapr port
crypto-store-name The name of the crypto store to get the encryption key from

Note, all URL parameters are case-sensitive.


Additional encryption parameters are configured by setting headers with the appropriate values. The following table details the required and optional headers to set with every encryption request.

Header Key Description Allowed Values Required
dapr-key-name The name of the key to use for the encryption operation Yes
dapr-key-wrap-algorithm The key wrap algorithm to use A256KW, A128CBC, A192CBC, RSA-OAEP-256 Yes
dapr-omit-decryption-key-name If true, omits the decryption key name from header dapr-decryption-key-name from the output. If false, includes the specified decryption key name specified in header dapr-decryption-key-name. The following values will be accepted as true: y, yes, true, t, on, 1 No
dapr-decryption-key-name If dapr-omit-decryption-key-name is true, this contains the name of the intended decryption key to include in the output. Required only if dapr-omit-decryption-key-name is true
dapr-data-encryption-cipher The cipher to use for the encryption operation aes-gcm or chacha20-poly1305 No

HTTP Response

Response Body

The response to an encryption request will have its content type header set to application/octet-stream as it returns an array of bytes with the encrypted payload.

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Crypto provider not found
500 Request formatted correctly, error in dapr code or underlying component


curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/crypto/myAzureKeyVault/encrypt \
    -X PUT \
    -H "dapr-key-name: myCryptoKey" \
    -H "dapr-key-wrap-algorithm: aes-gcm" \ 
    -H "Content-Type: application/octet-string" \ 
    --data-binary "\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x77\x6f\x72\x6c\x64"

The above command sends an array of UTF-8 encoded bytes representing “hello world” and would return a stream of 8-bit values in the response similar to the following containing the encrypted payload:


Decrypt Payload

This endpoint lets you decrypt a value provided as a byte array using a specified key and crypto component.

HTTP Request

PUT curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/crypto/<crypto-store-name>/decrypt

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
daprPort The Dapr port
crypto-store-name The name of the crypto store to get the decryption key from

Note all parameters are case-sensitive.


Additional decryption parameters are configured by setting headers with the appropriate values. The following table details the required and optional headers to set with every decryption request.

Header Key Description Required
dapr-key-name The name of the key to use for the decryption operation. Yes

HTTP Response

Response Body

The response to a decryption request will have its content type header to set application/octet-stream as it returns an array of bytes representing the decrypted payload.

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Crypto provider not found
500 Request formatted correctly, error in dapr code or underlying component


curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/crypto/myAzureKeyVault/decrypt \
    -X PUT
    -H "dapr-key-name: myCryptoKey"\
    -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
    --data-binary "gAAAAABhZfZ0Ywz4dQX8y9J0Zl5v7w6Z7xq4jV3cW9o2l4pQ0YD1LdR0Zk7zIYi4n2Ll7t6f0Z4X7r8x9o6a8GyL0X1m9Q0Z0A=="

The above command sends a base-64 encoded string of the encrypted message payload and would return a response with the content type header set to application/octet-stream returning the response body hello world.

hello world