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How-To: Enable the transactional outbox pattern

Commit a single transaction across a state store and pub/sub message broker

The transactional outbox pattern is a well known design pattern for sending notifications regarding changes in an application’s state. The transactional outbox pattern uses a single transaction that spans across the database and the message broker delivering the notification.

Developers are faced with many difficult technical challenges when trying to implement this pattern on their own, which often involves writing error-prone central coordination managers that, at most, support a combination of one or two databases and message brokers.

For example, you can use the outbox pattern to:

  1. Write a new user record to an account database.
  2. Send a notification message that the account was successfully created.

With Dapr’s outbox support, you can notify subscribers when an application’s state is created or updated when calling Dapr’s transactions API.

The diagram below is an overview of how the outbox feature works:

  1. Service A saves/updates state to the state store using a transaction.
  2. A message is written to the broker under the same transaction. When the message is successfully delivered to the message broker, the transaction completes, ensuring the state and message are transacted together.
  3. The message broker delivers the message topic to any subscribers - in this case, Service B.
Diagram showing the steps of the outbox pattern


The outbox feature can be used with using any transactional state store supported by Dapr. All pub/sub brokers are supported with the outbox feature.

Learn more about the transactional methods you can use.


To enable the outbox feature, add the following required and optional fields on a state store component:

kind: Component
  name: mysql-outbox
  type: state.mysql
  version: v1
  - name: connectionString
    value: "<CONNECTION STRING>"
  - name: outboxPublishPubsub # Required
    value: "mypubsub"
  - name: outboxPublishTopic # Required
    value: "newOrder"
  - name: outboxPubsub # Optional
    value: "myOutboxPubsub"
  - name: outboxDiscardWhenMissingState #Optional. Defaults to false
    value: false

Metadata fields

Name Required Default Value Description
outboxPublishPubsub Yes N/A Sets the name of the pub/sub component to deliver the notifications when publishing state changes
outboxPublishTopic Yes N/A Sets the topic that receives the state changes on the pub/sub configured with outboxPublishPubsub. The message body will be a state transaction item for an insert or update operation
outboxPubsub No outboxPublishPubsub Sets the pub/sub component used by Dapr to coordinate the state and pub/sub transactions. If not set, the pub/sub component configured with outboxPublishPubsub is used. This is useful if you want to separate the pub/sub component used to send the notification state changes from the one used to coordinate the transaction
outboxDiscardWhenMissingState No false By setting outboxDiscardWhenMissingState to true, Dapr discards the transaction if it cannot find the state in the database and does not retry. This setting can be useful if the state store data has been deleted for any reason before Dapr was able to deliver the message and you would like Dapr to drop the items from the pub/sub and stop retrying to fetch the state

Combining outbox and non-outbox messages on the same state store

If you want to use the same state store for sending both outbox and non-outbox messages, simply define two state store components that connect to the same state store, where one has the outbox feature and the other does not.

MySQL state store without outbox

kind: Component
  name: mysql
  type: state.mysql
  version: v1
  - name: connectionString
    value: "<CONNECTION STRING>"

MySQL state store with outbox

kind: Component
  name: mysql-outbox
  type: state.mysql
  version: v1
  - name: connectionString
    value: "<CONNECTION STRING>"
  - name: outboxPublishPubsub # Required
    value: "mypubsub"
  - name: outboxPublishTopic # Required
    value: "newOrder"


Watch this video for an overview of the outbox pattern: